Wednesday, February 22, 2012

THE "Recipe for Love": Maple-Flaxseed Cornbread

Following the success of my cornbread at the American-themed vegan dinner party I held last night, I thought a share of this recipe was in order. This recipe has been slightly adapted from the original (as no recipe is my life is beyond reinterpretation and experimentation), but this adaptation seems to be a hit! I made a version of this cornbread for my now-husband when I first met him, and it sparked the first of our many food-related conversations and recipe exchanges. 
I was too busy eating and talking to take a photo!! Apologies.


Preheat yo' oven to 190-200.  

1 C Flour
1 C Polenta
1tsp Salt
3 1/2 tsp Baking Powder

2/3 C Sugary Stuff (Made up of whatever combo of dry sugar & Maple Syrup that you wish- I usually do 1/4 C maple and the rest dry raw sugar)
1 "egg" (made up of 1tbsp ground linseed and 3tbsp of hot water, stirred and cooled until it becomes egg texture)
3/4 C Soy/Oat Milk
1/3 C Veg/Canola/Other mild-flavoured Oil 

Mix all the dry ingredients together in one bowl. Then mix the Sugars + wet ingredients in another bowl. Add the wet ones to the dry ones until just combined.

Pour into a spray-oiled or baking paper-lined 8x8 or 9x9 (I don't know what this is in metric) dish and bake for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick in the centre comes out clean and the edges are goldeny brown.

Alternatives include: adding 3/4 C - 1 C corn kernels, or finely diced different coloured capsicum or jalapenos. You can also add paprika, smoked paprika, or some sort of chilli powder to give it a bit of a different taste.

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